
Fancy a nice Sunday Roast chicken?

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Whole Free-Range Farm Chickens is ideal for a lovely Sunday roast with the family. Never underestimate the delicious flavors that can come from a whole chicken. Therefore, we are offering free-range whole chicken in our online butchery.

What does Whole Free-Range Farm Chickens?

Free-Range farmers allow their livestock and poultry to live in their natural conditions with freedom of movement. As a result, chickens are not force-fed, not kept in small spaces where they become stressed out and they are not injected with various growth hormones to make them grow faster.

We know many meat-lovers out there are opposed to traditional commercial-scale farming practices. Therefore, we sought out the highest quality of  Free-Range Farm Chickens so that we can supply you.

Want to go all out? Why not try this amazing Gordon Ramsay Roast chicken recipe with chickpea stuffing and green salad. It has all the traditional flavors you are craving, with some twists here and there.

We have a whole range of chicken and other meats to suit everyone’s taste buds! View our extensive range of meat online. Want to keep up to date about our latest specials? Join us over on Facebook where we’re always sharing the best deals!

Additional information

Choose your Portion Sizes

1300g (Single Chicken)


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